Across the Country

What an experience to understate it, in moving across the country! Such a cultural shift. Some refreshing and some make me feel at a loss. Having grown up in Southern California, specifically Huntington Beach, and having lived there or near most of my life… it’s hard not to call that home. Familiar places and faces giving way to a grand new adventure in middle Tennessee.

It is comforting to get connected to a great church body of believers in Jesus and also to the talented group of plein air painters in the area… The Chestnut Group @thechestnutgroup has been a creative lifesaver for me, getting me off my creative butt and back to painting since arriving here in early May.

I’m also getting into the middle Tennessee winery scene so get ready for some new imagery on the website, and hopefully at the local wineries soon!

As I finished some of the winery pieces, smaller that I normally paint to fit the wine tasting public purchasing paradigm, I got inspired to do some small abstract realism (sounds like an oxymoron doesn’t it??). Look for those on a sub page of the watercolors… until I work them into some large semi-abstract oils!

Blessings til next time!


Art in Trying Times

March 2020 fast forward to September. What a blur of the unknown! As this test for humanity hopefully draws to a conclusion, well, maybe not until after the election:) I can’t help but see the increased need for faith in our fellow man… however elusive that feels right now. So many industries have suffered, art most definitely. But I praise my God for the creative Spirit He has given each one of us in one way or another. The Creator gives creativity to us. I really think that is the ultimate gift and compliment from Him. I know I am so grateful for it especially in difficult times.

During the beginning of all of this craziness, my creativity was rather stunted, and I have talked to many other artists that had a similar experience. Part of the experience of the art world is our connection to other artists which we have lost and miss so dearly. Being socially creative makes it even more special. We learn from each other, I know I do even as I teach. We share good paintings and not so good. We grow in friendships and in our abilities as artists. My prayer is that we soon return to creating together in a more exuberant fashion.

I pushed myself to resume painting, and promoting my work, in late April. I was definitely a bit depressed, seeing all of our smiles gone behind the faceless masks. So sad. Now that we know the overhyped danger of this virus, I can’t wait for truth to prevail and let us get back to painting together, hugging and smiling:)

God bless you all,


Website Creation

Well, my graphic design skills are a little rusty! I thought I would just get on Squarespace and whip out my website. When I was a branding director and graphic artist, I shied away from anything web related. I left the “programming” to others while I just created the overall image of the branding materials and website. It was so much easier to show a Jr. Art Director or freelancer how I wanted the website to be designed and how it would interface with the other components of the project… and always it was for clients and not for myself!

If you ask my husband now about what my experience has been as I have learned this new language of web design, I’m sure he would say “no comment.” He has heard me go on and on, seeing me load new templates, and struggle through. And this is the EASY way to do a website. Or so I’m told!!

After all, I am not in the biz of branding any more. I JUST WANT TO PAINT and leave all this promotion of my art to someone else. In a perfect world I guess. And the timing of all this… when I thought I didn’t need any more perseverance, God had another idea.

Hopefully you will thoroughly enjoy my sweat equity!

